Thursday, June 7, 2018


Jay Milbrandt's account of the Pilgrims is a fascinating one. It delves into a whole lot of information that isn't typically included in your standard history textbook. It's written in an engaging, highly readable style, and numerous resources are provided for further research on the subject.

It's quite fascinating to discover that the true story behind the Pilgrims is far deeper and more interesting than the fluffy stories we've grown up with. Milbrandt digs into the European history of the Pilgrims, their struggles and consequent voyage on the Mayflower, and their beginnings in a new land. Most interestingly, he discusses what caused their original dream to falter and eventually fail.

I recommend this book to any American history afficionados. It's well-written, easy to digest, and very well researched. By the end, you'll understand why the Pilgrims are so closely associated with the founding of this country, when they were hardly the first to arrive.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. These opinions are my own.

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