The message of this book is an important one: God can use the tragedies and disappointments in life to refine us, to make us better, and to draw us closer to Him - if we allow Him to. It's a message about God's sovereignty and His trustworthiness, no matter what we may be facing.
I agree with the message, and it's something I try to live. When we can reach the point where Jesus is enough, then all else falls into its proper perspective. Difficulty, and loss - while painful - become bearable, because we can trust that they come from a loving Hand.
Unfortunately, I had a tough time reading this book. It's long on instruction and short on examples. Kay is a good teacher and she consistently points readers to supporting scripture; however, it would have been nice to read more personal accounts.
The last 80 pages of the book is a study guide.
Granted, I'm at a peaceful point in my life right now. I'm not facing any great difficulties. I do think that this is a book I will come back to in the future, as some books only really speak to you when you're in a certain place spiritually or emotionally.
Disclaimer: I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah through Blogging for Books - their book review program. I wasn't required to post a positive review. These are my own opinions on this book.