After my husband requested the first volume of The Voices of the Faithful, and I found it so inspiring, I decided to get the second one as well. What you're getting here is a daily devotional based on the lives of missionaries around the world. What I found so fascinating about these books is that they're not focused on the lives of the "Heroes of the faith" type missionaries - the David Livingstones and C.T. Studds - but rather on people today who have answered the call and have given their lives to spreading the good news.
These are real people, who face real, down-to-earth difficulties on a daily basis. They're modern and relatable, and their lessons are easily applied to our lives.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Thomas Nelson Publishers through BookSneeze.com - their book review bloggers program. I wasn't required to post a positive review. These are my own opinions on this book.