That is exactly what this book will do for you if you read it with an open heart and mind. It details the story of Colton Burpo, a four-year-old boy who visited Heaven and was sent back to tell us about it.
I've read several books along these lines - Intra Muros, Embraced by the Light, and others - but none from a child's perspective. The simplicity of this story, explained in the words of a four-year-old, are beautiful and touching.
With the outspoken boldness of a small child, Colton tells of how "really, really big" God is, and how Jesus had to die so that we could all go "live with His Dad." He talks about how "You can't belieeeeve how much He (God) loves us," and how "Jesus really loves the children." He tells of meeting John the Baptist, Jesus' "rainbow horse," and Pop - his own great grandfather.
His candid accounts can leave no doubt in anyone's mind that Heaven is, indeed, for real. This book would make a beautiful and encouraging bereavement gift.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Thomas Nelson Publishers through - their book review bloggers program. I wasn't required to post a positive review. These are my own opinions on this book.