I had been eagerly awaiting my free copy of The Heart Mender by Andy Andrews. When the package arrived, I was surprised to find not one, but two copies of the book. In order to spread the word about this fantastic book, Thomas Nelson Publishers graciously sent a copy for me, and a copy to give away. I was supposed to give it away here on my blog, but before I had a chance, I talked with a friend who was going through a time of change in her life, and I felt that this book would be a help to her.
The Heart Mender is a true story that took place during WW II. It follows the lives of Helen Mason – an American woman, widowed by the war, and Lt. Josef Landerman – a German U-boat officer. They are thrown together through unlikely circumstances and forced to face the bitterness, anger, and loss in their lives. It is a story of love, loss, and forgiveness.
The message presented in this book is deep. It’s thought-provoking and caused me to evaluate my own life and actions.
While the message was excellent, I felt that the story was rushed along. Characters in the book are charming and well-described, but weren’t given sufficient time to develop. The plot moves along at a good clip and kept me reading, but I feel that it could have been filled out a bit more and still held the reader’s attention.
But overall, the point of the book comes through loud and clear and I will likely read this book again. Thank you, Thomas Nelson, for giving me the opportunity to read and share this book with others.